What is SkinCrafterDll.dll?
The file named SkinCrafterDll.dll is developed by DM Soft Technologies. The program is digitally verified and signed by the company Storage Application Corporation. The file is used by the skin crafter module. The program receives updates and is secured by the developer. The threat level of the DLL is 1.
SkinCrafterDll.dll is located in C:\ProgramData\application data\clickfree\hddv2usb3\reminder\skincrafterdll.dll. The total size of the file is 506.3 kilobytes. The latest version of the file found is The file is not a system process and is not a mandatory program for the Windows operating system to run efficiently. It can be uninstalled if found to be malware infected.Affected Platform: Windows Vista,7.
How to check if your computer is infected with SkinCrafterDll.dll malware?
If your system is affected by SkinCrafterDll.dll malware, you will notice one or several of the symptoms below:
- SkinCrafterDll.dll occupies an unusually large CPU memory
- Erratic internet connection
- Your browser is bombarded with annoying popup ads
- Computer screen freezes
- PC's processing speed suffers
- You are redirected to unknown websites.
Step 1: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL keys at once to open Task Manager.
Step 2: If you notice the file located outside C:\ProgramData\application data\clickfree\hddv2usb3\reminder\skincrafterdll.dll. you should run an antivirus scan to get rid of the malware.
How to remove SkinCrafterDll.dll malware from system using Comodo Cleaning Essentials?
You can either choose to remove SkinCrafterDll.dll and other malwares using Comodo Antivirus, or Comodo Cleaning Essentials (CCE) – both of which are absolutely free to download! CCE is a set of computer security tools designed to help you identify and remove malwares and unsafe processes from an infected computer.
To remove malwares using CCE, take the following steps:
1. Check the system requirements and download the feature-rich CCE suite for free.
2. After installation, choose the type of scan you want to perform. CCE offers 3 scan options to get rid of malwares from a PC:
- Smart Scan: Does a scan on critical areas of your system.
- Full Scan: Does a complete scan of your system.
- Custom Scan: Does a scan only on selected items.
Additionally, it's recommended that you approve of any updates that the CCE will prompt you about to ensure it does a better job of identifying all the latest threats.
3. Click 'Next' to view the results.
Regardless of the type of scan you choose, the results will sometimes show false positive (flagging files that are actually safe), which has to be ignored. Only select the files you want to get rid of.
4. Click 'Apply' to apply the selected operations to the threats. The selected operations will be applied.
First Seen: 24 December 2011 at 5:34 pm
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 4c4e5b4bc0131270 2d55f743e46334f9 772340f2 |
6448eb87dbe1bbf7 993c9540bffeefab |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | 2, 1, 0, 0 | 2, 1, 0, 0 | ![]() |
N/A |
2 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 8cd09ea5fae817ed ee7588260a46b4fa 74cc6ae5 |
ecc3644ae4477b49 139c3ede16d90519 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | 2, 8, 1, 0 | 2, 8, 1, 0 | ![]() |
N/A |
3 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | e61b336c58bedfec 51bc143e9798ff61 505c75b1 |
07796f4f268f9edb c4318a1b75409840 |
TrojWare.Win 32.Patched.S M |
No | 3, 2, 0, 3 | 3, 2, 0, 3 | ![]() |
N/A |
4 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | e6ef9bbd067576a3 5569d8af34ac4738 e861f86d |
d601f87c9fd4fb05 46d06a066137442c |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
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First Seen: 05 September 2008 at 11:58 am
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 9ed7db00174c15ce 7c860dec958bbc7f fb6ad90f |
38804e04fa0e4164 f625bb51cefac403 |
No | 3, 1, 0, 0 | 3, 1, 0, 0 | ![]() |
2 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 9ed7db00174c15ce 7c860dec958bbc7f fb6ad90f |
38804e04fa0e4164 f625bb51cefac403 |
No | 3, 1, 0, 0 | 3, 1, 0, 0 | ![]() |
3 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 79075390026ee411 aa79e0ff2c0e72b0 48876798 |
a58e04e672e05db3 b717561b2e486ddc |
No | 2, 8, 1, 0 | 2, 8, 1, 0 | ![]() |
4 | DMSoft Technologies | Executable | 9ed7db00174c15ce 7c860dec958bbc7f fb6ad90f |
38804e04fa0e4164 f625bb51cefac403 |
No | 3, 1, 0, 0 | 3, 1, 0, 0 | ![]() |