What is ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll?
The file named ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll is developed by Advanced Micro Devices Incorporation. The company provides security updates at regular intervals safeguarding it against malware threats. The file is used by the catalyst control center in all AMD hardware powered systems. The threat level of the file is 1.
ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll is located in C:\Program Files\ati technologies\ati.ace\core-static\resourcemanagement.foundation.private.dll. The total size of the DLL file is 8.5 kilobytes. The latest version of the file found is 4.0.4777.28100. The non-system process is safe to work with and can be disabled at any point. It will not have any adverse effects on the performance of the Windows operating system.
Affected Platform: Windows 8, 10.
How to check if your computer is infected with ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll malware?
Each malware is different and causes unique problems to the system. You will notice one or several of the following symptoms if your system is infected with ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll malware:
- Internet connection fluctuates
- ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll file is taking more of your CPU memory
- System performance is very low
- Browser is redirected to some strange websites
- Interference of annoying popup ads
- Other malwares infiltrate into the system.
- Go to Task Manager by pressing the combination of keys ctrl+alt+del
- Go to the process tab and right-click on the ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll and open the file location.
How to remove ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll malware from system using Comodo Antivirus?
Ideally, replacing the existing ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll file on your computer with a different version procured from the internet is advisable. To remove the file using Comodo's trusted and effective antivirus software, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Download the award-winning Comodo Free Antivirus.
Step 2: Installation configuration frames will be displayed. Select the configuration you would like to apply.
Step 3: Select Customize Configuration option and arrange installers, configuration, and file location.
Step 4: Once the Installation is Finished, restart your PC.
Step 5: It will take some time for the Comodo Internet Security to update the antivirus.
Step 6: Proceed with a quick scan that automatically begins after the update.
Step 7: If threats are found during the scanning, you will be prompted with an alert screen.
Step 8: Comodo Antivirus will remove ResourceManagement.Foundation.Private.dll malware from your computer including all other malwares!
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
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First Seen: 27 January 2012 at 8:51 am
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Executable | 320b6797655bdb98 509bd649244dfb0d 519113b8 |
1cde44bc5c5126a6 920edec37047a3b3 |
No | 3.5.4451.9 78 |
3.5.4451.9 78 |
![]() |
2 | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Executable | 8954dbd5d3b8d1b1 11dbede2874de55a c4bb442a |
db0a7c59590d09e1 6c0b9950497cba90 |
No | 4.5.6402.1 563 |
4.5.6402.1 563 |
![]() |
3 | N/A | Executable | dd60dd06e07b82f1 89975011bed80fb8 388f0c59 |
9fa4f19f699d7512 3981241fe8fdbed8 |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
4 | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. | Executable | 63aff47aa6de9dba 375bff7ecad9e73c 589aeda1 |
e707c729778b80dc f6ddf4396dca8f30 |
No | 4.5.6508.3 4438 |
4.5.6508.3 4438 |
![]() |