What is LTDIS12n.dll ?
The file named LTDIS12n.dll is developed by Lead Technologies Incorporation. The file is digitally verified and signed by E-Book systems Inc. The signing authority is provided by Thawte Consulting Pvt Limited. It is used as a Win32 application for software programs developed by Lead Inc. The threat level is 1.
LTDIS12n.dll is located in C:\Program Files\e-book systems\flipviewer\ltdis12n.dll. The actual size of the DLL file is 277.7 kilobytes. The most recent version of the file is The program is not important for the operating system. In case, if it is found to be causing issues, it can be uninstalled immediately.
Affected Platform: Windows OS
How to check if your computer is infected with LTDIS12n.dll malware?
Each malware is different and causes unique problems to the system. You will notice one or several of the following symptoms if your system is infected with LTDIS12n.dll malware:
- Internet connection fluctuates
- LTDIS12n.dll file is taking more of your CPU memory
- System performance is very low
- Browser is redirected to some strange websites
- Interference of annoying popup ads
- Other malwares infiltrate into the system
To further establish the malware infection, take the following steps:
- Go to Task Manager by pressing the combination of keys ctrl+alt+del
- Go to the process tab and right-click on the LTDIS12n.dll and open the file location
If the file is located outside C:\Windows\System32, then it is likely that the system is affected with LTDIS12n.dll malware.
How to remove LTDIS12n.dll malware from system using Comodo Antivirus?
Ideally, replacing the existing LTDIS12n.dll file on your computer with a different version procured from the internet is advisable. To remove the file using Comodo's trusted and effective antivirus software, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Download the award-winning Comodo Antivirus.
Step 2: Installation configuration frames will be displayed. Select the configuration you would like to apply.
Step 3: Select Customize Configuration option and arrange installers, configuration, and file location.
Step 4: Once the Installation is Finished, restart your PC.
Step 5: It will take some time for the Comodo Internet Security to update the antivirus.
Step 6: Proceed with a quick scan that automatically begins after the update.
Step 7: If threats are found during the scanning, you will be prompted with an alert screen.
Step 8: Comodo Antivirus will remove LTDIS12n.dll malware from your computer including all other malwares!
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 847b660b43e5c71b 4e48d993bd4daf85 dab36e8d |
f93be74ec36ff1f9 d7341a998d02e95c |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
2 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 2ce78e0e851619e6 d2171651d9485f43 190daf97 |
315ea694ce5630b2 dba9a9e86a8193b9 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.OV |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
3 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 3f2fbaafdf916803 1867c48ab35aa69a 6d4d4315 |
4573d75147995bdf 0d2270fc77a3fbc2 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.A |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
4 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 5ad8faf7e20bbad7 b7322b65f879d73b ed668b14 |
26ba8cae51f52cec d5966222ee32aa98 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
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No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | e849f9527925c33c d29a1e5d26d73daf 75e6eef1 |
48dbddf823440dca 9ab25ae9064d043d |
No | | | ![]() |
2 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 4784c2d1a6f492e7 2ac2ea9da987d301 23882b81 |
4dff6da6d4713342 e0d9bde2a9d06d9d |
No | | | ![]() |
3 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | 9511d2697a24bde6 23127a38bcdac3be 58ec3945 |
18d6a69a9511703f 755418277efb626f |
No | | | ![]() |
4 | LEAD Technologies, Inc. | Executable | e76e5c8ef1bc1ee3 81656f875c53220c 9950f3c3 |
253f48a242ed9cfe 50edf1842bf2466a |
No | | | ![]() |