What is EncryptionDLMExt.dll?
The file named EncryptionDLMExt.dll is developed by an unidentified developer. It is considered to be a potential threat due to lack of security updates. Malware or Trojan developers may hijack the file to attack the system or use it as a keylogger to grab important data from the user. The threat level is 3 and it is not safe to work with this DLL file.
EncryptionDLMExt.dll is located in C:\Program Files\ati\cim\bin64\encryptiondlmext.dll. The total size of the file is 200 kilobytes. The version of the program available is not known. The non-system process may run in the background. Disable it as it will not cause any consequences or performance issues on the operating system for doing so.
Affected Platform: Windows OS.
How to check if your computer is infected with EncryptionDLMExt.dll malware?
Keep an eye for the following symptoms to check if your PC is infected with EncryptionDLMExt.dll malware:
- Unstable internet connection
- Browser redirects to unwanted websites
- PC performance slows down
- Browser is bombarded with hordes of popup ads
- System screen freezes repeatedly
If you find any of the above mentioned symptoms, take the following steps to be sure about the malware infection:
- Press CTRL+ALT+DEL keys to open Task Manager.
- Go to the process tab and right-click on the EncryptionDLMExt.dll file and open its location.
If the file is located outside C:\Program Files, then you should take measures to get rid of the malware.
How to remove EncryptionDLMExt.dll malware from system with Comodo Cleaning Essentials?
Comodo Cleaning Essentials (CCE) incorporates antivirus software with unique features like auto-sandboxing to identify and obstruct every suspicious process running on an endpoint with a single click. To remove EncryptionDLMExt.dll malware using CCE, follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Download the CCE suite.
Step 2: To start the application, double-click on the CCE.exe file.
Step 3: It then probes the antivirus to initiate a full system scan to identify and remove any existing malicious files.
Step 4: If threats are found during the scanning, you will be prompted with an alert screen.
Step 5: Comodo Cleaning Essentials will remove EncryptionDLMExt.dll malware from your computer including all other malwares!
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | N/A | Executable | 55f59b7bab71e6ae a330f0c18a1354e6 656f11cc |
3442725a1b6189b0 eac72e49b780afb2 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
N/A |
2 | N/A | Executable | 0c505e99addf485b 8ec7a8e4c886414b 7d56ff46 |
d789321ba49d02cb c2f2c7415a4cbf17 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
N/A |
3 | N/A | Executable | cf3cb1be158357ce c820e1ab979a6590 12a8da29 |
b783a95823761203 23ee0e8c9daa4567 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
N/A |
4 | N/A | Executable | 5b616930d907f48a 69b1ee8ece38a578 edaa896e |
4c414ea2b8658ac3 71768fd07cc9b5e9 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
N/A |
- 4 items per page
- 8 items per page
- 16 items per page
- 32 items per page
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | N/A | Executable | 0fdf6c880334f8c6 2f1d93b9c1733c90 68464f94 |
787549b0380c8d93 faf801bee0d624a7 |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
2 | N/A | Executable | c404540e86d5491c 87e1b077b1221f5b 81f76179 |
33024c797260d91b dfcc86b62cf62cbe |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
3 | N/A | Executable | 80c353d3c87f4f52 aaef3829e037ef94 f7c6ee3a |
0fdd4ba4b551b2c2 c51fded19dba6b70 |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
4 | N/A | Executable | 224d2c10043f3854 5120352222c7bd97 349c330a |
ab28d84f433e066b cc6002c489e006a1 |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |