QuickTimePlayer.exe is a legitimate file. This process is known as QuickTime Resource File. It belongs to software QuickTime for Windows and was developed by Apple, Inc. It is commonly stored in C:\Windows\System32. Malware programmers or cybercriminals write different types of malicious programs and name it as QuickTimePlayer.exe to spread virus.
Affected Platform: Windows OS
How to check if your computer is infected with QuickTimePlayer.exe malware?
Each malware is different and causes unique problems to the system. You will notice one or several of the following symptoms if your system is infected with QuickTimePlayer.exe malware:
- Internet connection fluctuates
- QuickTimePlayer.exe file is taking more of your CPU memory
- System performance is very low
- Browser is redirected to some strange websites
- Interference of annoying popup ads
- Other malwares infiltrate into the system
To further establish the malware infection, take the following steps:
- Go to Task Manager by pressing the combination of keys ctrl+alt+del
- Go to the process tab and right-click on the QuickTimePlayer.exe and open the file location
If the file is located outside C:\Windows\System32, then it is likely that the system is affected with QuickTimePlayer.exe malware.
How to remove QuickTimePlayer.exe malware from system using Comodo Antivirus?
Ideally, replacing the existing QuickTimePlayer.exe file on your computer with a different version procured from the internet is advisable. To remove the file using Comodo's trusted and effective antivirus software, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Download the award-winning Comodo Free Antivirus.
Step 2: Check on the “Do not detect new networks again” option when Comodo Internet Security internal firewall activates the network detection process.
Step 3: After network detection is complete, press “Close” button for a scan window.
Step 4: Restart your PC.
Step 5: It will take some time for the Comodo Internet Security to update the antivirus.
Step 6: Proceed with a quick scan that automatically begins after the update.
Step 7: If threats are found during the scanning, you will be prompted with an alert screen.
Step 8: Comodo Antivirus will remove QuickTimePlayer.exe malware from your computer including all other malwares!
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | N/A | Executable | 06674467c6609014 0074b57375fc62f2 2396cf92 |
189f56b5a5c2c25b e4212d8794410bfe |
Virus.Win32. Virut.CE |
No | | | ![]() |
N/A |
2 | Apple Computer, Inc. | Executable | 514824f19c8d21a4 22f491e7226b4b96 07240335 |
1faaebbad6578d2b c3b280fe062a73a9 |
Virus.Win32. Sality.gen |
No | 6.5.1 | QuickTime 6.5.1 |
![]() |
N/A |
3 | N/A | Executable | 0e0165d76818fe3a f541c124799fe3e4 b5fa622a |
5c3e71b5dbbe3032 8abe0fe1030e8c7f |
Virus.Win32. Sality.gen |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
N/A |
4 | Apple Inc. | Executable | f298ad4fc8d6f1d6 55681db550cc1a86 58cd3419 |
0c1356c348737479 3b6bdeb40d3fae74 |
Virus.Win32. Expiro.ew |
No | 7.7 (Dev) | QuickTime 7.7 (1680.34) |
![]() |
N/A |
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | N/A | Executable | 1a852ab762be8191 1cc30b4354d098c8 d35b5504 |
384255d7250e64fb 806e098837c433df |
No | N/A | N/A | ![]() |
2 | Apple Computer, Inc. | Executable | 349e7c1b493238a6 d7c28d0a17e9f2bb ace89cef |
0f7bcd003355d29f a85039f5482447af |
No | 6.1c | QuickTime 6.1c |
![]() |
3 | Apple Inc. | Executable | 2a75601e816cd1aa 124791269f1693e8 1f49a852 |
c13a310ed29727ae adb897289aacc814 |
Yes | 7.4.5 | QuickTime 7.4.5 |
![]() |
4 | Apple Computer, Inc. | Executable | 5c62313876b22063 207d823fa0801df7 0c8dfc20 |
f3dddf7b5a1976a6 61e12bc1d1b20b7a |
No | 4.1.1 | QuickTime 4.1.2 |
![]() |