What is Ie4uinit.exe?
ie4uinit.exe is a legitimate file of Windows operating system from Microsoft Corporation. ie4uinit.exe is a Windows process, it is a part of IE 5.0 per user install utillity. It is generally stored in C:\Windows\system32. So the hackers and cyber criminials write malicious programs and name it as ie4uinit.exe to spread via internet.
Affected Platform: Windows OS
How to find system is affected by ie4uinit.exe malware
When the system gets very slow, or when system freezes often. Check for the process in task manager by pressing the combination of keys Ctrl+alt+del and go to the process and right click on the process to find the location, now if you find the process in c:\windows\system32 then the system is safe and secure or if it is found eleswhere then the system is affected by virus.
How to remove the ie4uinit.exe file from system using Comodo Free Antivirus Software?
Step 1: Download and install the Comodo Antivirus Software.
Step 2: Installation configuration frames will be displayed. Select the configuration you would like to apply
Step 3: Select Customize Configuration option and arrange installers, configuration, and file location.
Step 4: Once the Installation is Finished, restart your PC.
Step 5: The Comodo Internet Security takes some time to update the virus protection software.
Step 6: Proceed with a quick scan that automatically begins after the update.
Step 7: If threats are found during the scanning, you will be prompted with an alert screen.
Step 8: Comodo Antivirus will remove the ie4uinit.exe virus from your computer and all other malwares!
Windows OS PC Security Softwares:
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 2ca8fd170050e830 e57d74c32fe15808 8eb3e2fc |
cfe6d77fffc378ac e2b493afd546677e |
Virus.Win32. Expiro.ew |
No | 8.00.6001. 23014 (longhorn_ ie8_ldr.10 0419-1507) |
8.00.6001. 23014 |
United States | N/A |
2 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | f5d8361ee9b57714 51c33a8dcd566592 0e41dafc |
997773c3fc0f4bce 6ec3093ede4a44f9 |
Virus.Win32. Expiro.ew |
No | 8.00.6001. 23192 (longhorn_ ie8_ldr.11 0617-1815) |
8.00.6001. 23192 |
United States | N/A |
3 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 925d6e7f313e8350 fa95f2d6a7d12f8f 59c01d74 |
960b3a4f57dbb240 6078bedbdb140af4 |
Virus.Win32. Sality.AC |
No | 8.00.6001. 23227 (longhorn_ ie8_ldr.11 0815-1815) |
8.00.6001. 23227 |
Taiwan | N/A |
4 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 70ac2a0b733bbc77 0288bd3ffb4a260a 14ff1d88 |
7091ad848cfffb3c f5a7fc7d0dd62d11 |
Virus.Win32. Expiro.ew |
No | 7.00.6000. 20935 (vista_ldr .081013-15 07) |
7.00.6000. 20935 |
United States | N/A |
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | N/A | Non-executable | 1db44beb58650dc1 ebb145e719fce54f 41d60a75 |
f26bc7baa8f2cb8e f5b5d501927c70ba |
No | N/A | N/A | United States |
2 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 5d1c1efdf7e3c714 eb4be5a2900e9126 34366042 |
670709f5bc284aab f4e1b603fa1b3095 |
No | 8.00.6001. 18702 (longhorn_ ie8_rtm(wm bla).09030 8-0339) |
8.00.6001. 18702 |
Internal Submission |
3 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 43c0be6f309eb7bb 2b3371a772996b20 349bff0c |
4357ac6f353aa0e1 1a27e406766726bd |
No | 7.00.6000. 20627 (vista_ldr .070625-15 22) |
7.00.6000. 20627 |
Internal Submission |
4 | Microsoft Corporation | Executable | 5d1c1efdf7e3c714 eb4be5a2900e9126 34366042 |
670709f5bc284aab f4e1b603fa1b3095 |
No | 8.00.6001. 18702 (longhorn_ ie8_rtm(wm bla).09030 8-0339) |
8.00.6001. 18702 | |