What is JS3250.DLL?
The file named JS3250.DLL is developed by Netscape Communications Corporation. The file is officially signed by Mozilla corporation and the signing authority is provided by Thawte consulting pvt limited. The file is safe as it is secured with updates and timely patches. No malware threat is associated with it. It has a threat level of 1.
JS3250.DLL is located in C:\Program Files\mozilla thunderbird 3 beta 2\js3250.dll. The total size of the file is 742.5 kilobytes. The latest version of the program available is 4.0. The file has its copyrights by Netscape and is usually found in older Windows versions. However, it is a non-system process which can be uninstalled any time.
Affected Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
How to detect whether your system is affected by JS3250.DLL?
Viruses can easily affect and corrupt “.exe” files causing several system malfunctions. Below are the symptoms to check if your system is infected with the malware:
- Problem during computer startup.
- Problem during program startup.
- Errors while running specific functions.
- Damaged and missing link files.
- Conflict in the process.
- Missing or corrupted driver files.
- Invalid Windows registry.
- Hardware malfunction.
To further establish the infection of malware, take the following steps:
- Go to Task Manager by pressing the combination of keys CTRL+ALT+DEL.
- Go to the process tab and right-click on the JS3250.DLLfile and open its location.
If the file is located outside C:\matlab701\bin\win32\ folder, then you should perform an antivirus scan to get rid of the malware infection.
How does Comodo Antivirus help you to protect your system from JS3250.DLL malware?
Comodo Antivirus protects your system from malware attacks and also removes any existing infections. Following are the steps to effectively purge out the JS3250.DLLmalware from your system.
Step 1: Download and install Comodo Antivirus.
Step 2: Installation configuration frames will be displayed. Select the configuration you would like to apply.
Step 3: Select Customize Configuration option and arrange installers, configuration, and file location.
Step 4: Restart your PC.
Step 5: Wait until the Comodo Internet Security updates the antivirus.
Step 6: Initiate a quick scan that instantly begins after the update.
Step 7: If the system is infected with JS3250.DLLmalware or any other threats, you will be prompted with an alert screen upon scanning.
Step 8: Comodo Antivirus will remove JS3250.DLLmalware from your computer including all other malwares!
No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Malware Name |
Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
Malware Behavior |
1 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | e78294090d2dfb42 de5ec2363e886cef 247c0ded |
e4a2c781fb9c8093 cbca7f14f029781a |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | 4.0 | 4.0 | Senegal | N/A |
2 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | e7c3b726f6539f88 57b8244468dceddb 78440143 |
7cfc009cf7518d40 636a0c4329f2f694 |
Virus.Win32. Floxif.A |
No | 4.0 | 4.0 | Brazil | N/A |
3 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | be2722b7c2bab38a fbbfcd11b9ac5358 e450b709 |
9c7e07264d3aa292 9bc46fe057190ba4 |
Virus.Win32. Ramnit.K |
No | 4.0 | 4.0 | Turkey | N/A |
4 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | c167d47f54e2f578 a4cebd9b022cc702 11ce338f |
4a41780d4810bb15 6a4f879210611819 |
Virus.Win32. Floxif.A |
No | 4.0 | 4.0 | | N/A |
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No. | Company | File Type | SHA1 | MD5 | Digitally Signed |
File Version |
Product Version |
Submitted From |
1 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | 69225420729c6a9d 534e770acef2cdf4 3cea9851 |
79a5d0392c5610ae c9af0f4d8a0067a8 |
Yes | 4.0 | 4.0 | Internal Submission |
2 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | 711fd430336ca0a0 e10ebcd54eeb993b 44d99240 |
5796610e8f7d488b c0c5c37b4973106f |
No | 4.0 | 4.0 | |
3 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | 638d24f3b2db5ebc dc199f3d9869808f ea275403 |
70e197b15aca33d0 d42f92a4dea77aa8 |
Yes | 4.0 | 4.0 | Internal Submission |
4 | Netscape Communications Corporation | Executable | eb3147240dd758d2 97ac3215beffbfab 92368d52 |
ca85f733e8186c60 a920ae7d7ab91204 |
Yes | 4.0 | 4.0 | United States |